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I think I keep a good balance. I can’t only have a role of a mother. I need to work, to expess myself outside of this area too.
In general, I’m rather cool: I don’t have too many rules, I prefer to be more flexible and not to say “Never this” or “Never that”. But the politeness is very important to me.
Passing down
I would like to help them to keep their natural individuality. I would like them to be themselves, and not to pretend someone else. I would like to encourage them to do things. So that they know how to find solutions at any moment and how to become independent. And also to give them a taste and a desire to create themselves.
An advice
I am between what my father used to tell me “Prepare yourself, life is a struggle” and what I believe in “Open your eyes and look around you” – to teach them the curiosity and the amazement.
My goal is to make my everyday schedule the easiest! For example by ordering dishes on Frichti or Choufleur. And by delivering my shopping via labellevie.com.
And I do not put much pressure on things that aren’t important like taking a bath every day. When there is no time, I don’t get crazy about it.
On weekends we often have lunch outside. At Japanese Kunitoraya, Juvéniles and the brunch at Bachaumont where there is a pirate and a clown for children.
And I often visit leslouves.com website to discover some addresses, brands, advices and tips.
Perfect holidays with the family
At Comporta in a very relaxing hotel: the kids can scream: Uva Do Monte
We also experiment with places given by a friend of mine Marie Faure on her blog My Travel Dreams.
No-kids break allowed?
We escaped for few days at Manoir de Port-Cros near Porquerolles. But I must admit I have hard times to leave children!
And we are also very lucky because every Friday my oldest son goes to his grandmother’s. So we have a romantic evening because Ulysse sleeps. We take the opportunity to make a small dinner just the two of us.
Our next family plan
To go for an ice cream at Grom rue de Seine or petits choux place de Furstenberg at Maison du Chou.
Our little pleasures
A ritual: all 4 of us in the bed before starting the day.
Discover the rest of my universe HERE
Un concept store spécial kids où trouver le bon cadeau de naissance
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Ou comment transmettre l’amour des livres dès le plus jeune âge
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Pour le brunch du dimanche, avec un super pirate-magicien pour occuper les petits
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