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Our neighborhood
It’s been one year that we live here. Before we used to live in the 9th neighborhood. We moved when I was expecting our second child.
Living in the neighborhood of Palais Royal has always been my dream. The history is present everywhere and the mix of Japanese neighborhood and rue Saint Anne gives a charm to this place.
When we visited the apartment we directly knew it was for us. Its disposition is just perfect and I love its views, especially the one from our kitchen giving to a yard and this almost NY atmosphere from our living room.
My style
I’m like everyone else: I mix! AM.PM, flea markets online, antique shops like the Gallery that my friends have in the 6th neighborhood… All my addresses can be found below.
My impulse buy
Without hesitation: wallpapers! I can spend hours in Au fil des Couleurs shop.
I dream of having Raphaël de Sandberg wallpaper for my wardrobes and new Farrow colours for my kitchen, for example Inchyra Blue.
The pillows are also the things I often buy, especially at Urban Outfitters and H&M Home.
Especially the pictures we were offered, like our Pont en Alaska of Antoine Wagner, my son’s godfather; our butterfly collection; photos from Lumas like the one of Fred Lebain.
My home fragrances
The Kobe candle from Astier de Villatte and the classical Feu de Bois of Diptyque.
On my bookshelf
There is a lot of novels, biographies, classics too like Sagan, Hemingway, Beauvoir, and also Argentinian authors (my man used to live there). And the books about politics of my stepfather Patrice Duhamel like Les Flingueurs or Jamais sans elles. I also have some illustrated books on the cinema (the passion and the work of my husband) and on the photo.
My favorite room
I love both our living room and our room. But to be honest, sometimes it’s the shower that I really love: I can stay alone for few minutes!
The most precious object
The bust that comes from the oldest molding workshop in Paris – L’Atelier Lorenzi – and all my little weird things, it’s my “cabinet of curiosities” side.
The most powerful thing
To have things from the family that have a meaning. And the strong personality thanks to all those weird things not linked to any trends of the moment.
Our weekends
I love them. It’s the simple fact of being all four of us together, going to Palais Royal, having a brunch at Hotel Bachaumont, walking until Luxembourg. Enjoying Paris and spending time with the family.
My next purchase
An old chandelier
A Palmier lamp from Maison Jansen
Discover the rest of my universe HERE
Pour y trainer des heures à chercher des romans
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La galerie Martial Giraudo
Pour la sélection irrésistible de Martial et Damien