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I couldn’t imagine my life without children but in the same time it just came in a very natural way.
I didn’t expect to be that happy when Attilio was born. It was such an intensive feeling with my son that I was wondering if it’s possible to love my second child as much. Obviously my fears were swept away in the moment when I discovered my daughter.
Romy arrived 23 months later and it was a little bit complicated period because I found myself with two babies!
But as I work as a freelancer from home, I could always adapt my agenda.
What would I like to pass down
I would love them to have an openness. I try to explain them that there are many ways. I would also like to help them to develop a critical thinking. And of course to help them to become generous people, good people.
My advice
I want them to be themselves and not to get influenced. Especially as children that can easily fall under the influence of a group.
And to listen to themselves et trust themselves: it is the most beautiful gift I could ever offer to them.
What makes me proud
Attilio is super curious and sometimes it’s even tiring!
Romy it’s all about her cheerfulness. She laughts all the time.
And they are soft. And nice.
Holidays dreams with the family
Seychelles where we went all together for the first time this year.
During the summer we often go to Corsica where we rent a house near Bonifacion.
“No-kids” break allowed
Once a year to celebrate our anniversary, we take a long weekend together. Next time it’ll probably be Formantera.
Going out with the family?
We’ll go to Ober Mamma very soon.
And going to Rex to see a movie of their choice.
Discover the rest of my universe HERE
Pour jouer au tennis tout près de Paris dans un cadre exceptionnel
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Pour le quotidien et en particulier les pantalons pour mon fils et de jolies silhouettes pour ma fille
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On loue des AirBnB le week-end avec les enfants en Normandie,
c'est tellement mieux qu’un hôtel
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Une jolie sélection de vintage pour enfants, j’y ai notamment trouvé le bureau de mon fils
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