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My beauty routine

In the evening I apply Aesop’s triple C cream or gel because I love its smell!

I remove my make up with a Korean sponge and a cleanser that I do by myself: mineral water + essential oils.

In the morning I use Chanel’s concealer, Elizabeth Arden’s or Aésop’s lip balm and Carmex in all my pockets!

Once a year I do a botox injection. The address of my doctor can be found below.


For the body

Many oils that I mix: Caudalie with argan oil or Weleda.

For my hands I prepare a super effective mixture that I use as a mask: lemon and brown sugar.


For hair

I go to Christophe Robin. Marie is my hairdresser and she colors me since always.

My shampoo is Weleda and the lemon mask from Christophe Robin.


My perfume

Frédérique Malle, Lys Méditerrannée for an every day use. For the evening and on winter: Carnal Flower.



I run at a gym nearby home three times a week, early morning. To stay motivated I go there with a group of friends from the neighborhood!


My anti-stress recipe

Korean socks – their effect is immediate!

But the best I know – to take a nap.


Discover the rest of my universe HERE



Christophe Robin

Pour son incroyable gentillesse et sympathie,

et parce qu’il m’a sauvé plusieurs fois quand j’ai fait des bêtises…

228 Rue de Rivoli , 75001 Paris
Cercles de la forme

Pour des séances de sport entre copines

48 Rue Rambuteau , 75001 Paris
Dr Maryse Matteo Delamarre

Un médecin esthetique super pro. qui prodigue d’excellents conseils

concernant les injections (botox et acide hyaluronique)

29 bis rue Alexandre Prachay , 95300 Pontoise
Jardins Secrets

Pour une parfaite escapade en amoureux avec son Spa privatif

et ses divins massages, mais à garder secret !


J’aime beaucoup la subtilité de leurs parfums et les textures de leurs crèmes