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What kind of mom are you?

Unfortunately super-affective, it’s hard for me to leave them! But I have a chance to organize my time as I want to with a job I have, that’s what makes me to be more flexible and to spend more time with them during the day. And then, getting back to work when they are already sleeping doesn’t bother me at all, because writing is my real passion.

Time passes so quickly… So I try to miss the least things possible: activities, homeworks, hide and seek games. I try to be very present, even if a nanny helps me. I constantly ask myself questions (I would have loved to be a psychologist!), I think a lot of what I would like to pass down: frivolity, commitment in what they do, self-deprecating, righteousness… all these nice things that will help them to become beautiful personalities.

For the moment I think we have managed the mission with my husband: our children are great! But what makes me really proud is their complicity. They can spend hours together building tree houses or inventing new games.


Activities, classes, workshops to recommend?

I don’t really have time to create them their own program, so everybody plays piano and plays tennis. Two of them are passionate about chess and play in a club. During holidays, Spot’s workshops are really great!


Dream holidays with family – where do you go?

We travel a lot with children: this year the Caribbean, United States, India and Venice. They love it!


A no-kids-allowed break?

In London for a party. A trip to Cannes with a stop in Roanne, at Troigros. And as we don’t have too many family members, twice a year we take a hotel in Paris, leaving all children to the nanny!


Some tips to share on the organization matter?

Being flexible, giving the partner the possibility to spend some time alone and teaching children to be independent as soon as possible…


The last family trip?

This summer the Hokusai  exhibition that we saw again in Boston and that had fascinated them in Paris. And Anish Kapoor at Versailles.



Discover the rest of my universe HERE


Cavalier de Neuilly
Une association où les enfants apprennent à jouer aux échecs
124 rue Perronet , 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
AT Neuilly
Un club de tennis aux portes de Paris
27 boulevard du Général Leclerc , 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
La ferme du Piqueur

Une visite à la ferme pédagogique

Saint Cloud

Avec ses audio-guides spécial Kids!

New York

Pour son parcours mythologique adapté aux enfants


Un incontournable pour leurs imprimés et les belles matières

File dans ta chambre
Pour leur sélection de mobilier enfant design : lits, meubles, lampes ou encore parures de lit
Lucas du Tertre
Des imprimés ethniques et colorés mais aussi des plaids, des chèches et de jolies robes
Ralph Lauren

Les polos monogrammés pour les garçons qu’on peut personnaliser en ligne et qui sont increvables

Musée de Cluny

Pour sa licorne et la fameuse tapisserie