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We live in the 16th neighboorhood in Paris after spending nine years in the 18th neighborhood: in other words, another world! I must admit, I have had so many sterotypes in my head; but I find now a lot of charm in this neighborhood.
We have chosen this apartment for the size of the living room and the light that enters through the large windows. This is the first time in my life that I live in a modern apartment and it took me some time to get used to it. This has imposed a lot of things: we had to cover the walls and to pay particular attention to the choice of materials.
In general, I like a minimal and pure interior design, with few items; I need to be able to glance all around without being stopped by any object. I prefer pastel colours, but with some elements of bright colours brought into the interior by a chair, a pillow or flowers. There are always some flowers at home (hydrangeas, lilies, buttercups). I’m also a huge fan of Zara diffusers or Gilles Dewavrin scented candles.
I gave high importance to colours in this apartment: bright colours from Ressources for boys’ rooms chosen by them, a beautiful English wallpaper in the entrance (Cole & Son) or pastel colours for our bedroom and living room. We have also paid a strong attention to a space, because I like leaving the doors open, I prefer when different rooms are connected during the day.
Both my husband and I, we love Scandinavian furniture mixed with objects from different periods. We always choose classic furniture, made with beautiful materials. My next folly? Barcelona bench from Knoll and an old trunk from Moynat!
On Sundays we often go all together to a flea market. For instance, I found there a Prouvé desk for our bedroom. We like to hang photos on the walls (Galerie Arteum) but my sister-in-law paints and I would like to buy one of her paintings too (Sophie Chir).
A perfect moment to me? Being alone on my couch flipping through my deco magazines or Télérama to see which next film I will watch!
Discover the rest of my universe HERE
Une véritable «artiste» qui travaille prioritairement avec des fleurs de saison
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- Création de meubles design en métal. Et coup de cœur pour les calandres
- des vieilles Fiat 500 à accrocher au mur d’une chambre d’enfant
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- Un lieu insolite : une maison de 1909 avec son magnifique jardin
- où sont réunis tables, lustres, fauteuils, statues de jardin, volières…
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Pour des meubles anciens et des malles Moynat
Pour des meubles design, simples et beaux avec la petite touche années 50
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Du mobilier vintage ou sur mesure à des prix très raisonnables
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- Une marque japonaise de fournitures de bureau
- pour de beaux cahiers et des pochettes plastique multicolores
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- Pour la sélection pointue et juste de Nathalie et aussi
- pour les signatures qu’elle organise avec les auteurs
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Tout ici est magnifique : les fleurs, vases, compositions, les odeurs.... et les emballages
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- Pour des bougies à la fois composées d'une cire végétale et minérale
- et d'une mèche 100% coton, elles diffusent une fragrance à la fois présente mais subtile.
- Celle au lait de figue et cachemire est à tomber !
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Pour de la belle vaisselle anglaise originale, et plein d’autres choses pour la maison
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